5 tips to get rid of travel fever

Travel fever is a feeling of excitement, nervousness, or even anxiety that can occur just before a trip. It's very common but manifests itself slightly differently from person to person. Some people enjoy the feeling and experience travel fever as a wonderful bubble in the stomach, while others may experience really debilitating difficulties, amongst other things, anxiety and sleep problems. We'll explore what travel fever really is, what symptoms can occur and give you tips on what you can do to cope with travel fever.

What is travel fever?

Travel fever is described in the dictionary as 'anxiety or excitement just before an upcoming trip' or 'the urge to travel'. Most people have probably experienced eagerness or butterflies in the stomach, which can be fine, but for many people travel fever can be extremely exhausting and, at the very least, can lead to you not wanting to travel at all. What are the normal symptoms of travel fever? 

The common symptoms of travel fever are:

  • Feeling anxious, tense and/or nervous 
  • The nervousness that something will go wrong
  • Stress attacks and sweating
  • Sleep problems and/or insomnia
  • Restlessness and malaise

It's perfectly normal to feel anxious and nervous about forgetting something at home, but if you suffer from anxiety or insomnia every time you travel, you may need help to calm your anxiety. What should you do if travel fever becomes unbearable? Here we give you our top five tips:


Start planning your trip down to the smallest detail as soon as you book your ticket. How do I get to the airport? At the latest, when do you need to leave home to be there at the specified time? Where will you stay and how will you get there? 


Prepare by writing down everything you plan to do. You can make lists with everything from timetables, agendas, activity schedules, packing lists and to-do lists. Remember to check if you need any vaccinations or visas for your destination. Keep an eye on the weather at your destination and make sure you pack ahead of time. Check that you have adequate travel insurance in case of an accident. Take an item that gives you reassurance or a favorite game with you on the road. For example, you can take your online casino with you on your trip: https://travel-guides.dk/tag-dit-online-casino-med-paa-rejsen/. Good preparation can reduce anxiety and nervousness about forgetting something important.


Visualization is a vision of how you will succeed in your tasks. Practice dreaming about how you will quickly and smoothly avoid all the obstacles on your miraculous journey. Try to turn your nervousness into something positive that will make you look forward to what's to come.


If that doesn't work with visualization, you can distract yourself and your brain. Spend time with a friend, read a book, go for a walk or devote time to a hobby you enjoy, and try not to think about the problems that may arise during the journey.


Don't stop traveling! The worst thing you can do is let your anxiety and worry limit you. In the vast majority of cases, travel fever goes away the more you travel. So keep discovering the world!

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Escrito por Mauricio Oliveira

Maurício Oliveiraé social media expert, fotógrafo, videomaker, consultor de turismo, blogueiro, influenciador e empreendedor. CEO do Trilhas e Aventuras , conta suas experiências de viagens no blog Viagens Possíveis e criador de inovadoras ações de marketing de turismo, o BlogTur . Especialista em Expedições na Rota das Emoçõese Lençóis Maranhenses. Ama o que faz no seu trabalho e nas horas vagas também gosta de viajar. Siga no Instagram, curta no Facebook, assista no Youtube.

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